1. On blocks of finite lattice type, Archiv d. Math. 33 (1979), 334 - 337
2. On blocks of finite lattice type, II, Proc. Oberwolfach 1980, Lect. Notes Math. 882 (1981), 390 - 396
3. Indecomposable lattices in blocks with cyclic defect groups, Comm. Algebra 10 (1982), 135 - 170
4. A criterion for finite module type, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 85 (1982), 514 - 516
5. with G. Törner: Gruppentheorie und anschauliches Denken - ein Plädoyer für die Behandlung von Gruppengraphen in der Lehramtsausbildung, Math. Sem. Berichte 29 (1982), 208 - 229
6. with W. Willems: Relations between complexity and modular invariants and consequences for p-soluble groups, J. Algebra 86 (1984), 445 - 456
7. Vertices of simple modules over p-solvable groups, J. London Math. Soc. 29 (1984), 257 - 261
8. with H.H. Brungs, G. Törner: Prime ideals in right chain rings, Mitt. Math. Sem. Giessen, Heft 163 (1984), 141 - 167
9. Some properties of periodic modules, J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) 38 (1985), 408 - 415
10. with H.H. Brungs, G. Törner: Right chain rings, Part 1, Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik der Universität Duisburg, Heft 74 (1985), 74 pp.
11. with H.H. Brungs, G. Törner: Right chain rings, Part 2a, Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik der Universität Duisburg, Heft 92 (1986), 80 pp.
12. with H.H. Brungs, G. Törner: Right chain rings, Part 2b, Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik der Universität Duisburg, Heft 93 (1986), 48 pp.
13. Monomial representations and generalizations, in: The Arcata Conference On Representation Theory of Finite Groups, P. Fong (Hsg.), Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 47, Part 2 (1987), 25 - 32
14. with G. Törner: Locally archimedian right-ordered groups and locally invariant valuation rings, J. Algebra 105 (1987), 328 - 340
15. with G. Törner: Overrings of right chain domains, Archiv d. Math. 48 (1987), 217 - 222
16. The isomorphism type of an abelian defect group of a block is determined by its modules, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 39 (1989), 61 - 66
17. Behaviour of some representation theoretical invariants under change of the group basis of a modular group algebra, Habilitationsschrift 1988, Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik der Universität Duisburg, Heft 151 (1989), 82 pp.
18. Monomial representations and generalizations, J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) 48 (1990), 264 - 280
19. Some new block invariants coming from cohomology, S.M.F. Astérisque 181-182 (1990), 11 - 29
20. The Auslander-Reiten quiver of a modular group algebra revisited, Math. Z. 206 (1990), 25 - 34
21. with G. Törner: On two-sided right ideals in chain domains, Forum Mathematicum 2 (1990), 307 - 322
22. with H.H. Brungs, G. Törner: Right chain rings, Part 1 (completely revised new version), Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik der Universität Duisburg, Heft 181 (1990), 103 pp.
23. Endotrivial modules and the Auslander-Reiten quiver, in: ``Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Finite-Dimensional Algebras'' (G.O. Michler und C.M. Ringel, Hsg.), Progress in Mathematics 95, 317 - 326, Birkhäuser Verlag (1991)
24. Modular representation theory for blocks with cyclic defect groups via the Auslander-Reiten quiver, J. Algebra 140 (1991), 247 - 262
25. A combinatorial proof of a refinement of the Andrews-Olsson partition identity, Europ. J. Combinatorics 12 (1991), 271 - 276
26. with L. Le Bruyn: Stable rationality of certain PGLn quotients, Invent. math. 104 (1991), 179 - 199
27. with A.O. Morris, J.B. Olsson: Decomposition matrices for spin characters of symmetric groups at characteristic 3, J. Algebra 164 (1994), 146 - 172
28. A bijection for Lebesgue's partition identity in the spirit of Sylvester, Discrete Math. 132 (1994), 1 - 10
29. with G.E. Andrews, J.B. Olsson: Partition identities and labels for some modular characters, Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 344 (1994), 597 - 615
30. with J.B. Olsson: On Mullineux symbols, J. Comb. Theory A 68 (1994), 340 - 360
31. On a Theorem of Alladi and Gordon and the Gaussian polynomials, J. Comb. Theory A 69 (1995), 159 - 167
32. Generalisations of the Andrews-Olsson partition identity and applications, Discrete Math. 141 (1995), 11 - 22
33. Representations of the covering groups of the symmetric groups and their combinatorics, Electronic J. Sém. Loth. Combinatoire B33a (1995), 29 pp.
34. with G.E. Andrews, J.B. Olsson: A refinement of a partition identity and blocks of some modular characters, Archiv d. Math. 66 (1996), 101 - 113
35. with J.B. Olsson: The 2-blocks of the covering groups of the symmetric groups, Advances in Math. 129 (1997), 261 - 300
36. with J.B. Olsson: Heights of spin characters in characteristic 2, in: Finite Reductive Groups, Related Structures and Representations, M. Cabanes (Ed.), Progress in Math. 141, Birkhäuser (1997), 51 - 71
37. with J.B. Olsson: On residue symbols and the Mullineux conjecture, J. Algebraic Comb. 7 (1998) 227 - 251
38. with J.B. Olsson: Residue symbols and Jantzen-Seitz partitions, J. Comb. Theory A 81 (1998) 201 - 230
39. Algebra and Combinatorics, in: Proceedings of the 2nd European Congress of Mathematics, Budapest 1996 (A. Balog, G.O.H. Katona, A. Recsi, D. Szasz, Eds.), Progress in Math. 168, 64 - 91, Birkhäuser (1998)
40. with S. Mertens: On the ground states of the Bernasconi model, J. Physics A 31 (1998) 3731 - 3749
41. with J.B. Olsson: Branching of modular representations of the alternating groups, J. Algebra 209 (1998) 143 - 174
42. On hooks of Young diagrams, Annals of Comb. 2 (1998), 103-110
43. with J.B. Olsson, M. Xu: On properties of the Mullineux map with an application to Schur modules, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 126 (1999), no. 3, 443-459
44. with A. Kleshchev: On Kronecker products of complex representations of the symmetric and alternating groups, Pacific J. Math. 190 (1999) 201-223
45. Representations of the symmetric groups, in: Proceedings 8. General EWM Meeting at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste/Italy 1997 (1999) 123-134, Eds.: Laura Fainsilber, Catherine Hobbs, Hindawi Publ. Corp.
46. Tensor products of representations of the symmetric groups and related groups, in: ``Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Related Topics'', Ed. S. Koshitani, RIMS Lecture Notes 1149 (2000) 1-15
47. with A. Kleshchev: On tensor products of modular representations of symmetric groups, Bulletin of the London Math. Soc. 32 (2000) 292-296
48. with J.B. Olsson: Spin representations and powers of 2, Algebras and Representation Theory 3 (2000) 289-300
49. with A. Kleshchev: Irreducible tensor products over alternating groups, J. Algebra 228 (2000) 536-550
50. Topics in the representation theory of the symmetric groups and related groups, in: Proceedings ``Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Related Topics'', Eds.: N. Kawanaka, G. Michler, K. Uno, Osaka University (2000) 10-26
51. Topics in the representation theory of the symmetric groups and related groups: tensor products, in: Proceedings ``Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Related Topics'', Eds.: N. Kawanaka, G. Michler, K. Uno, Osaka University (2000) 113-121
52. with A. Kleshchev: On Kronecker products of spin characters of the double covers of the symmetric groups, Pacific J. Math. 198 (2001) 295-305
53. On mixed products of complex characters of the double covers of the symmetric groups, Pacific J. Math. 199 (2001) 257-268
54. On hooks of skew Young diagrams and bars in shifted diagrams, Annals of Comb. 5 (2001) 37-49
55. with K. Uno: Character relations and simple modules in the Auslander-Reiten graph of the symmetric and alternating groups and their covering groups, Algebras and Representation Theory 4 (2001) 445-468
56. with A. Balog, J.B. Olsson, K. Ono: Prime power degree representations of the symmetric and alternating groups, Journal London Math. Soc. (2) 64 (2001) 344-356
57. On a conjecture of Huppert for alternating groups , Arch. Math. 79 (2002) 401-403
58. with J.B. Olsson: Prime power degree representations of the double covers of the symmetric and alternating groups, Journal London Math. Soc. (2) 66 (2002) 313-324
59. On pairs of partitions with steadily decreasing parts, J. Comb. Theory A 99 (2002) 162-174
60. On Multiplicity-free Products of Schur P-functions (corr.version), Annals of Combinatorics 6 (2002) 119-124
61. with J.B. Olsson: A Note on Cartan Matrices for Symmetric Groups, Arch. Math.81 (2003) 497-504
62. with M.R. Pournaki, A. Reifegerste: A Note on the Orthogonal Basis of a Certain Full Symmetry Class of Tensors, Linear Algebra and its Applications 370 (2003) 369-374
63. On the representation theory of alternating groups, Algebra Colloquium 10 (2003) 241-250
64. with I. Pak: Partition congruences by involutions, European J. Comb. 25 (2004) 1139-1149
65. with C. Behns: On the Durfee size of Kronecker products of characters of the symmetric group and their double covers, J. Algebra 280 (2004) 132-144
66. with J.B. Olsson: On character tables related to the alternating groups, Electronic J. Sém. Loth. Combinatoire B52c (2004), 8 pp.
67. with J.B. Olsson: Weights of partitions and character zeros, Electron. J. Comb. 11(2) (2004), R5
68. with J.B. Olsson: On the sequence A085642, The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, A085642 (2004)
69. with J.B. Olsson: Spin representations, powers of 2 and the Glaisher map, Algebras and Representation Theory 8 (2005), 1-10
70. with J.B. Olsson, R.P. Stanley: Properties of some character tables related to the symmetric groups, J. Algebraic Combinatorics 21 (2005) 163-177
71. with J.B. Olsson: On Cartan matrices and lower defect groups for covering groups of symmetric groups, Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006), 3623-3635
72. with G. Malle, J.B. Olsson: Separating characters by blocks, J. London Math. Soc 73 (2006), 493-505
73. Algebra invariants for finite directed graphs with relations, Electronic J. Sém. Loth. Combinatoire B54Ag (2006), 11 pp.
74. On bar partitions and spin character zeros, Proceedings FPSAC'06, San Diego 2006, 346-351
75. with J.B. Olsson: Spin block inclusions, J. Algebra 306 (2006) 3-16 (Special Issue in Honour of Gordon Douglas James)
76. with Th. Holm: q-Cartan matrices and combinatorial invariants of derived categories for skewed-gentle algebras, Pacific J.Math. 229 (2007), no. 1, 25-48
77. with G. Navarro, J.B. Olsson, P.H. Tiep: On the Navarro-Willems conjecture for blocks of finite groups, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 208 (2007) 481-484, Addendum
78. Irreducible p-Brauer characters of p-power degree for the symmetric and alternating groups, Archiv der Math. 89 (2007) 1-9
79. with Th. Holm, A. Zimmermann: Generalized Reynolds ideals for non-symmetric algebras, J. Algebra 312 (2007) 985-994
80. Bar weights of bar partitions and spin character zeros, J. Algebraic Combinatorics 26 (2007) 107-124
81. The 2-block splitting in symmetric groups, Algebra and Number Theory 1, No.2 (2007) 223-238
82. with Th. Holm: Weighted locally gentle quivers and Cartan matrices, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra 212 (2008) 204-221
83. with H. Weber: On p-blocks of symmetric and alternating groups with all irreducible Brauer characters of prime power degree, J. Algebra 320 (2008) 2405-2421
84. with J. Zhang: Block separations and inclusions, Advances in Mathematics 218 (2008) 485-495
85. with G. Han: Symmetry distribution between hook length and part length for partitions, Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009) 6070-6073
86. A 2-block splitting in alternating groups, Algebra and Number Theory 7, no. 3 (2009) 835-846
87. with D. Hill: Cartan invariants of symmetric groups and Iwahori-Hecke algebras, J. London Math. Soc. 81 (2010) 113-128
88. Combinatorial Representation Theory. Abstracts from the workshop held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, March 21-27, 2010. Organized by C. Bessenrodt, F. Brenti, A.Kleshchev, A. Ram. Oberwolfach Reports 7 (2010), no. 2, 799-882.
89. with J. Zhang: Character separation and principal covering, J. Algebra 327 (2011) 170-185
90. with K. Luoto, S. van Willigenburg: Skew quasisymmetric Schur functions and noncommutative Schur functions, Advances in Math. 226 (2011) 4492-4532
91. with J.-B. Gramain, J.B. Olsson: Generalized hook lengths in symbols and partitions, J. Algebraic Combinatorics 36 (2012), no.2, 309-332
92. with J.B. Olsson: Submatrices of character tables and basic sets, J. Comb. Theory A 119 (2012) 1774-1788
93. with S. van Willigenburg: Multiplicity free Schur, skew Schur, and quasisymmetric Schur functions, Annals of Combinatorics 17 (2013) 275-294
94. with J.B. Olsson, J.A. Sellers: Unique path partitions: characterization and congruences, Annals of Combinatorics 17 (2013) 591-602
95. with S. van Willigenburg: On (almost) extreme components in Kronecker products of characters of the symmetric groups, J. Algebra 410 (2014) 460-500
96. with T. Holm, P. Jørgensen: Generalized frieze pattern determinants and higher angulations of polygons , J. Comb. Theory Ser. A 123 (2014), 30-42
97. with H.N. Nguyen, J.B. Olsson, H. Tong-Viet: Complex group algebras of the double covers of the symmetric and alternating groups, Algebra and Number Theory 9-3 (2015) 601-628
98. with R.P. Stanley: Smith normal form of a multivariate matrix associated with partitions, J. Algebraic Comb. 41 (2015) 73-82
99. Conway-Coxeter friezes and beyond: Polynomially weighted walks around dissected polygons and generalized frieze patterns, J. Algebra 442 (2015) 80-103
100. with K. Ono: Maximal multiplicative properties of partitions, Annals Comb. 20 (2016) 59-64
101. with V. Tewari, S. van Willigenburg: Littlewood-Richardson rules for symmetric skew quasisymmetric Schur functions, J. Comb. Theory A 137 (2016) 179–206
102. with O. Beckwith: Multiplicative properties of the number of k-regular partitions, Annals Comb. 20 (2016) 231-250
103. with H. Tong-Viet, J. Zhang: Huppert's conjecture for alternating groups, J. Algebra 470 (2017) 353-378
104. with T. Holm, P. Jørgensen: All SL2 tilings come from triangulations, Advances in Math. 315 (2017) 194-245
105. Coincidences between characters to hooks and 2-part partitions on families arising from 2-regular classes, Electron. J. Combin. 24(3) (2017) #P3.17
106. with C. Bowman: Multiplicity-free Kronecker products of characters of the symmetric groups, Advances in Math. 322 (2017) 473-529
107. with E. Giannelli, J.B. Olsson:Restriction of odd degree characters of Sn, SIGMA 13 (2017), 070, 10 pages (Special Issue on the Representation Theory of the Symmetric Groups and Related Topics)
108. Critical classes, Kronecker products of spin characters, and the Saxl conjecture, Algebraic Combinatorics 1 (2018) 353-369
109. with E. Giannelli, J.B. Olsson: Hook removal operators on the odd Young graph, Algebraic Combinatorics 2 (2019) 249-274
110. with Yong Yang: On p-parts of Brauer character degrees and p-regular conjugacy class sizes of finite groups, J. Algebra 560 (2020) 296-311
111. with C. Bowman, L. Sutton: Kronecker positivity and 2-modular representation theory, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 8 (2021) 1024-1055
112. with A. Zalesski: A sharp upper bound for the size of Lusztig series, J. Group Theory 24 no. 2 (2021) 207-251
113. with C. Bowman, R. Paget: The classification of multiplicity-free plethysms of Schur functions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 375 (2022) 5151-5194
114. with C. Bowman: Splitting Kronecker squares, 2-decomposition numbers, Catalan combinatorics, and the Saxl conjecture, arXiv:2202.03066 (submitted)
Conference Proceedings (selection)
1. Blocks of characters at different primes, In: Representations of Finite Groups, Abstracts from the Workshop held at the Math. Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, March 22-28, 2009, Organisers: J. Chuang, M. Linckelmann, G. Malle, J. Rickard. Oberwolfach Reports 6 (2009), no. 1, 922-923
2. On the character degree sets of the symmetric and alternating groups and their double covers, In: Representations of Finite Groups, Abstracts from the Workshop held at the Math. Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, April 5-11, 2015, Organisers: J. Chuang, M. Geck, M. Linckelmann, G. Navarro. Oberwolfach Reports 18 (2015)
3. Polynomially weighted walks around dissected polygons, In: Friezes, Abstracts from the Mini-Workshop held at the Math. Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, November 1-7, 2015, Organisers: T. Holm, P. Jorgensen, S. Morier-Genoud. Oberwolfach Reports 48 (2015)
4. with: Reinhard Hochmuth, Natalie Gentner: Courses in Math Education as Bridge from School to University Mathematics. In: Göller, R., Biehler, R., Hochmuth, R., Rück, H.-G. (Eds.). Didactics of Mathematics in Higher Education as a Scientific Discipline (2017), 365-369. Kassel, Germany: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel. urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2016041950121
5. Kronecker products and the Saxl conjecture. In: Representations of Finite Groups, Abstracts from the Workshop held at the Math. Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, March 24-30, 2019, Organisers: J. Chuang, M. Geck, R. Kessar, G. Navarro. Oberwolfach Reports 14 (2019)
Lecture Notes taken by C. Bessenrodt
1. J.C. Robson: Some results on ring extensions - Vorlesungen aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik der Universität Essen, Heft 4 (1979)
2. L.W. Small: Rings satisfying a polynomial identity - Vorlesungen aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik der Universität Essen, Heft 5 (1980)