Institute of Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics Institute News
International Mathematics Competition for University Students 2024

International Mathematics Competition for University Students 2024

Do you enjoy puzzling over mathematical problems and learning creative new methods for solving them? The IMC (International Mathematical Competition for University Students) is a competition for students up to the 4th year of study, which takes place this year from August 5-11 in Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) and is attended by over 300 students from all over the world.

LUH will be taking part with a team for the first time this year. Further information on the competition and, for example, problems from previous years can be found online:

Previous experience with other competitions (e.g. Mathematical Olympiad) does not hurt, of course, but is not necessary. So don't be afraid!

For all those interested, there will be a preliminary meeting on Friday, May 17 at 10:00 in room A410 (main building). If you do not have time on this date, but would be interested in participating, please send an e-mail to Depending on how much interest there is, there will then be a selection meeting at the end of May/beginning of June to determine the team.

We are looking forward to a lot of interest!

Christian Bernert
Prof. Ulrich Derenthal